Bookseller Catalogs

E-list #43

By Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts, Ltd.

E-list #43 Thirty-two recent arrivals including many books extra-illustrated with appropriate autograph additions in varied subjects: Sports, Civil War, Modern Fiction, Aviation, Illinois, Literature, Western Americana and Poetry.


By Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd.

WEBSITE SALE Beginning 6 September through 30 September,

all books, photographsand ephemera will be on sale as follows:

Items priced from $1 - $300 are discounted 40%.

Items priced from $301 and up are discounted 25%.


By L & T Respess Books

LIST 343: A SUMMER MISCELLANY Collected for this list are some strange bedfellows — books on and of history, literature, art, music, law, religion, economics, cartography, science, and medicine in a dozen countries published from the 16th century to the 20th. Some are illustrated, some are bibliographies, a few are in manuscript, altogether there are 112 items.

How to request a print version: There are some printed catalogues. Email us, giving your mailing address, to request one.

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